Making visible the invisible: Daily experiences of the subject in a situation of physical and sensory disability around the construction of right to the city for developing a mobile app to identify accesible spaces in Ibagué - Tolima


UNESCO and UN-Hábitat define as ‘Inclusive cities’ those in which all citizens can exercise their right to the city, because ‘(…) the development and equality of all inhabitants are promoted, without distinction of class, sex, race, ethnicity or religion, in order for them to take advantage as much as possible of the opportunities that cities offer’ (Colin, 2009). So that the city as an ideal space for human fulfillment that allows weaving material and immaterial relationships, generating intersubjectivities and (re) producing culture, it is also the appropriate place to exercise the citizen rights, where people can be, remain and transcend daily, giving the city an emotional and existential dimension that prints a referent of identity, common values and collective destinies, giving it a ‘sense of place’. However, the daily experience of citizens regading the physical space shows a continuous discomfort related to conflicts and vital tensions as spatial segregation and social exclusion of the population in physical and sensory disability, because of the apparent differences that ‘allude to perceptions, codes and sensibilities shared by us, that separate and marginalize other people, in order to justify their submission and dependence, denying as Margulis states the right to be different’ (Arenas, Castellanos and Rojas, 2018 ). Therefore, although the right to the city is just to be able to build and reproduce the city as a non-individual, but a common one, integrating the views and experiences of all the people who live there; it seems to be denied for all handicapped people, despite of the recognition that all individuals must have (Robert) ‘with an environment where they can develop their lives as autonomously as possible, enhancing the deployment of their abilities and reducing as much as possible the limitations, so that appealing to this perspective, an inappropriate territory becomes a disability factor’(2016). Now, in order for the right to the city as a possibility, as enjoyment of rights and as participation (Borda, 2004) can be materialized by handicapped people, the project also look for the use of New Information Technologies and Communication (NICT) the development of a mobile app supported by users through the crowdsourcing strategy, allowing them to translate signifiers into Colombian Sign language LSC and three-dimensional mapping of physical barriers, generating ‘forms of acquisition of geographical data, which lead to the creation and innovation of new computer products and services aimed at society and public participation in their management, as well as new strategies and models for the management of geographic information ‘(Gómez, 2014). So that, the handicapped population will be able to participate effectively in the prototype designs from the origin, as well as integrate like potential users in an inclusive technology strategy aimed at generating their greater autonomy. According to this, a mixed descriptive study is proposed in order to make a reflexive and critical analysis of the daily experience of the individual in a situation of physical and sensory disability around the construction of the right to the city from the description of the experiences of two population groups: young and adult people with visual, auditory and physical disability, taking as dimensions or study categories the appropriation of the city and the recognition of inclusion / exclusion spaces, to finally compare the daily experience of the subject by age groups and type of disability.

Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Aragón, Zaragoza